BeeLeaf ® Chelated Trace Multielements

What advantages do the BeeLeaf® Chelated Trace Multi elements have?

  • Comprehensive plant nutrition – Top product, fully water-soluble, fully absorbed, no residue, 100% chelated metal trace elements.
  • Perfect proportioning: The unique scientific ratio of various trace elements, medium element magnesium, and sulfur can prevent and correct trace element deficiencies and prevent yellow leaves and small leaf diseases in crops. Reduce the incidence of virus disease, fusarium wilt, and mosaic disease, make crops grow robustly, and enhance disease resistance, cold resistance, and drought resistance. Promote flowers, flowers, and fruits, improve fruit setting rate, and ensure the healthy growth of crops.
  • Increase production and income – Improve the content of trace elements in the soil, avoid the short board in the “barrel effect”, and tap the potential of crops to increase production and income.

Nutrient Content(%)
Fe (EDTA) 4.0
Mn (EDTA) 3.0
Zn (EDTA) 4.0
Cu (EDTA) 0.3
B 1.0
Mo 0.01
Mg 4.0
pH (1% aqueous solution) 6.0-7.0


Fertilization method Dilution factor Fertilization Amount per acre When obesity is severe
Foliar spray 3000-5000 3-4 times 15-25g 1500-2000 times, continuously spray 3.5 times every 5-7 days until the symptoms of deficiency disappear.
Flush 3000-5000 2-3 times 0.3-0.5kg
Drip irrigation    2000-3500 2-3 times 0.3-0.5kg

Remarks: For different crops, for the first use, please test on a small area first. This product and synergist are used at the same time, the effect is better.