BeeLeaf ® Amino Acid Water Soluble Fertilizer

What advantages the BeeLeaf®Amino Acid Water Soluble Fertilizer has?

  • 100%water-soluble, small molecular amino acids, easily absorbed by crops.
  • Enhance photosynthesis, promote rooting, accelerate nutrient synthesis, early maturity, andprevent premature aging.
  • Increase crop yield and improve product quality.
  • It can effectively prevent the deficiency caused by the lack of iron, zinc and boron trace elements in crops
  • It has a good alleviation effect on the phytotoxicity and fertilizer damage caused by improper use of pesticides and fertilizers


Nutrient Content(g/L)
Amino acids ≧100
Fe+Zn+B ≧20
Fe ≧7.0
Zn ≧7.0
B ≧6.0
Organic matter ≧60
Water insoluble matter ≦50
pH value 6.5-7.5

Products Spec. Appearance
BeeLeaf 50 Amino Acid 50% Yellow Powder
BeeLeaf 40 Amino Acid 40% Yellow Powder
BeeLeaf Fe Amino Acid + Fe Brown Powder
BeeLeaf Cu Amino Acid + Cu Brown Powder
BeeLeaf Mn Amino Acid + Mn Yellow Powder
BeeLeaf Zn Amino Acid + Zn Yellow Powder
BeeLeaf Ca Amino Acid + Ca Yellow Powder
BeeLeaf 35 Amino Acid Liquid 35% Brown Liquid